About Us
You don’t need to know much about wildflowers to hang out with us. Our group consists of professionals, photographers, hikers, birders, butterfly lovers, tree huggers, and lots of folks who just think plants are pretty. You’ll fit right in!
Browse the top menu for upcoming talks and walks.
What is the Idaho Native Plant Society?
Wood River Chapter is the local arm of a statewide non-profit organization dedicated to:
promoting interest in native plants and plant communities
collecting and sharing information on all phases of the botany of Idaho’s native plants
fostering an understanding and appreciation of our native flora
preserving this rich heritage for future generations
educating its membership and the public about current conservation issues that affect Idaho’s native flora and habitats
Chapter Officers
for 2023
Kristin Fletcher, President
Lisa Horton, Vice President
Mary MacClanahan, Secretary
Paul Ries, Treasurer
John Shelly, Member at Large
Jay Dorr, Member at Large
Deanna Schrell, Member at Large
Patti Dorr, Member at Large
Kimber Traue, Member at Large
Ted Stout, Member at Large

What We Do
In the fall and winter months, Wood River Chapter mostly sponsors talks by professionals in botany or range management or the related fields. These days, we are using Zoom but one day we hope to be able to meet in person again. Rarely there is a field trip associated with a talk or a snowshoe hike.
In spring and summer, we go on walks and hikes of varying difficulty to interesting places so that we can help others learn about our native flora (wildflowers, grasses and trees). Most of our walks, hikes and talks are open to absolutely everyone, free of charge.
Just for members: A couple of times a year we reserve something special for members. We also have a members only weekend camp-out each summer with hikes. A 25% portion of each membership fee is returned from the state organization to our Chapter to use for hall rental, website and newsletter costs, PO Box rental etc.